Sunday 11 March 2012


Eeessh.. I always forget how much effort is required in starting a blog! I've really got to stick to the one and commit. or two... okay two! just two. plus my channel.. and twitter.. maybe a tumblr... it's happening again.

This one is more for my YouTube channel which you can take a squiz at here, but I'm going to do some fashion stuff too, though my main fashion blog is this one. I'm also going to do some bits on shopping, cause I think all my collective friends get a bit sick of my yapping on about the latest earrings or shoes I just bought. I suppose this happens pretty regularly so I can kinda understand... but not really! Who doesn't want to hear about people's shopping!! I guess I'm a bit nosy like that.. which is probably why my next video is on what's in my make up bag - haha!

Annyywwhoo.. I'm rambling, which is lovely I must say! I always feel like my blog posts need to be polished. But not here! This is just for me. Whatever I want to write, whenever, as much as I like and with as many pics as I please (so plenty..).

This is meee, with le boy-friend. He's giant. I'm wearing massive heels, so you can imagine what it's like when I'm not.. but I love him.  

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